Google Drive Continues Making Small Improvements, offers new Spell Check and Customized Bullet or Numbered List options
Even if there haven’t been any major updates to Google Drive recently, the company continues to make small improvements.
This most recent update includes the new spellcheck mode as well as the customizable numbered and bulleted lists.
The new spellcheck mode resembles the way a spell check was done by users of older versions of MS Word – where you could check the spelling of an entire document all at once, instead of the new spellcheck mode which is more real time.
All you have to do in order to use this Spellcheck option added is to go to ‘Tools’ and select spelling, which will then open up a new window where you can change all the typos in the document.
As for the new customizable bullets or numbers, you can change the color, style or size of individual bullets or even customize your own in whatever manner you prefer. Probably the most important (and useful) feature here is the option to change individual so as to check off items that have been completed.
Prior to this Google Drive also improved its sharing settings while adding an improved link tool its feature set where the latter will throw up links from Google Search for you to link your keyword with. It’s just another indicator of how Google intend to integrate its services for its users’ benefit.
As for improving its shared settings, the new Public on the Web setting will help you to get the word about anything important to you – for example, a flyer about a concert which you can post as a link to a blog.
These are features that Microsoft’s Sky Drive are yet to offer to its users…