Category: Internet
Amazon launches Instant Pickup
What if you could place an order online and then pickup the items in as soon as two minutes from a nearby location? For some, this is already a reality. Amazon just announced the launch of Amazon Instant Pickup, which allows the pickup of “daily essential” items from select locations. Instant Pickup will allow Prime
What Makes Macs Better for Web Design?
While Windows-based computers outsell their Apple counterparts, web designers and those who work for a search engine marketing agency largely prefer Macs. Here are a few of the reasons why Macs are a better choice for development. Graphical Design Advantages Most Windows-based PCs have 720p and 1080p screen resolutions, but many Mac computers have much
Facebook Rolls Out Peer-to-Peer payments, Only Available in the United States For Now
Given Bitcoin’s rise in the search for a globally accepted currency, Facebook has recently rolled out peer-to-peer payments and, according to experts, is set to become one of the most powerful financial institutions in the world. With foreign workers sending almost $583 million, also known as remittances, to people in their home countries, that accounts
Google Releasing Security Feature for Google Drive for Work, Education
Google will release an update in the next few weeks to both Drive for Education and Drive for Work that contains a number of tools that will enhance the way users share data both internally and externally with their customers. Given that companies need to feel safe about having their content in the cloud, this
Microsoft releasing a new browser ‘Spartan’, Window 10 Consumer Preview Slated for January
Microsoft is building a new browser codenamed ‘Spartan’ that is lightweight and might be released with Windows 10. For that matter, Internet Explorer has been around for a while, and which started with zero market share only to dominate the market in a short span of time. Of course, thanks to Firefox, it has faced
Facebook reaches 1 billion users on both Whatsapp and Messenger, no ads introduced yet
Apart from the 600 million active users that Whatsapp has, Facebook has recently announced that about 500 million users are currently using Messenger, making it a billion active users in all. In speaking of its functionality given this milestone, the company, in a blog post, wrote, “Messenger was the first of our standalone apps, and
Twitter sues government over data transparency requests, Justice Department reviewing its suit
Twitter wants its users to know that it takes requests for data from the government very seriously when it comes to transparency. And which is why it is suing the government for the right to share data in more granular form while the government itself would like for the data requests to be opaque. In
Data Privacy Civil Class Action Lawsuit filed against Facebook, 25000 participants have signed up already
A data privacy civil class action lawsuit that has been brought against Facebook by Max Schrems, Europe vs. Facebook campaigner, has reached its maximum with 25000 participants signing up in a week. In explaining the administrative burden on organizers and why there is a limit on participation, Schrems said, “The current maximum has nothing to
Twitter adds new “Twitter Card” feature, experiments with a select user base
While the best thing about Twitter is that it allows only 140 characters, that’s also the worst thing about it. The problem is that you end up with a stream of steady Tweets that hogs up the your Twitter feed. In order to fix this, Twitter is now experimenting with a new feature called “retweet
Google admits to hiring too many white males, Asians the only minority present
In being one of Silicon Valley’s biggest employers, Google has finally admitted that it hires too many white males because there aren’t enough women among other minorities in tech. In the valley itself, and for a giant tech firm, the ratio of male is to female is about 7 is to 3 but if one