Google launches Instagram account, time-sinking Google Doodle video its first
If Google has opened its own Instagram coinciding with the 40th anniversary of the launch of Rubik’s cube, it can be safely said that Instagram is probably so irresistable that no business would want to stay off it.
However, its very first post is far from original since it was a regram since the time-sinking Google Doodle for today was shown.
Ever since, the company had announced its sign up with Instagram via Twitter, its account already has 5000 followers.
Thanks to tabloids and promotional tweets not presenting a realistic picture of brands and celebrities, it is the reason why consumers prefer to get their news right from the horse’s mouth – explaining why Google has so many Instagram followers already.
And with the way Google is expanding, from being a small startup in the 90s, one can safely say that the brand is building our future be it smarthome implementation, driverless cars or even the Google Glass itself.
Without a doubt, it is the most popular and influential technology company in the world and is also considered to be one of the best employers too. It has lost that aspect of dreaminess that came with it first when it was a startup with big dreams in the 90s.
One way the company can bring back that grassroots magic is by introducing their mission statement by the way their futurists, makers and engineers are making a difference in today’s world.
What’s also worth mentioning is the fact that Google has ended its competition with Facebook and Twitter in social media by labeling Google+ as a platform instead.