Google admits to hiring too many white males, Asians the only minority present
In being one of Silicon Valley’s biggest employers, Google has finally admitted that it hires too many white males because there aren’t enough women among other minorities in tech.
In the valley itself, and for a giant tech firm, the ratio of male is to female is about 7 is to 3 but if one splits that up into tech and non-tech jobs, that number switches to 83% in favor of males.
As for the involvement of race in the tech industry, the only other minority that comes close to white males is Asians at 34%. No other minority comes close to this figure.
It’s clear with this admission that Google does not mind letting people know that they are a long way away from where they want to be, in terms of employee diversity.
Yet Google isn’t the only company that has such dismal figures and it has reached such a point that a number of them do not want to disclose information pertaining to this.
However, Google believes that being clear about the problem is actually a solution to it and which, in this case, happens because there is a lack of qualified candidates. Only 18 percent of women earn CS degrees in the United States while Hispanics and Blacks comprise 10 percent of the total college grads. Less than 5 percent of them graduate with a computer science degree.
So, the only way by which they intend to retain the Asian minority is by educating others about the culture even though no solution has been found for the others.
But no matter what, it still seems like a mature thing to do since other companies like Amazon, Microsoft do not wish to reveal data – or for that matter, admit that there is a problem either.