Data Privacy Civil Class Action Lawsuit filed against Facebook, 25000 participants have signed up already
A data privacy civil class action lawsuit that has been brought against Facebook by Max Schrems, Europe vs. Facebook campaigner, has reached its maximum with 25000 participants signing up in a week.
In explaining the administrative burden on organizers and why there is a limit on participation, Schrems said, “The current maximum has nothing to do with [legal] costs (as we are insured via the procedure financing company), but with the administrative burden that e.g. 100.000 class members would mean to us. Mind that we are consumers that invite other consumers to join an existing case. I don’t get a single cent more than any class member.”
Simply put, they cannot accommodate any more participants. However, to encourage more participants to join them in the future, the organizers have opened a Facebook class action website where participants can register their interest.
The lawsuit which was submitted to a court in Vienna had already garnered about 11000 participants just over a weekend, and after which it reached its limit. The lawsuit is being financed by Austrian law firm ROLAND ProzessFinanz AG which will take one-fifth of the winnings.
Since Schrems is the only claimant in the lawsuit, none of the other participants will have to bear any costs associated with the case.
That said, the damages have been set at 500 euros per user, and since there are 25000 participants already, this will take the amount to $12.5 million for Facebook if they lose the lawsuit and pay the damages in full.