Samsung ordered to pay $290 million in retrial, verdict clearly in favor of Apple
In a retrial of the patent infringement lawsuit between Samsung and Apple, where the stakes were almost 1 billion, the former has been asked to pay $290 million to the Cupertino company.
It was clear that after this decision that neither side got exactly what they wanted since Apple wanted $380 million while Samsung only wanted to pay $52 million. However, it’s clear that Apple came out on top with the verdict leaning towards the figures that the company was looking for.
Despite the fact that the lawyers can look at the figures and are free to dispute any of the numbers that are a part of the verdict, but as of now, this is where the decision stands.
What has added to the drama of this patent violation lawsuit that made headlines last year were a number of memes which claimed that Samsung had paid out what it owed Apple in small value coins both when the first verdict came through as well as this time.
While this seems preposterous to experts, one thing’s for sure: Samsung won’t be pleased with the verdict and its lawyers are sure to make an appeal when it comes to aforementioned numbers.
Speaking of the verdict, it was an eight member jury that evaluated how much Samsung owes Apple for these patent violations of the iPhone and iPad, all five in number, and that were used in 13 Samsung products as a result.
The reason for this retrial was because Judge Lucy Koh found that almost $450 million, a significant portion of this award, was subject to reevaluation last year.