The best Mac backup options
Written by Costbuys
As any computer user would know, a hard drive failure can be catastrophic if there is no backup. Mac users are fortunate that they have a built-in backup solution that is as robust as the Time Machine backup. To that end here are the top backup options for a Mac user.
Time Machine
This is the built-in backup system on any Mac and is very robust. It requires dedicated drives and can backup to multiple if additional redundancy is required. Since built-in storage is not massive, smaller drives for backup can be bought at discount online. Restoration can be done during boot time so that the restore can be direct to the previously backed up state.
Online drives
These are the services like iCloud, Google Drive, and Dropbox. These are all good solutions that backup whatever files are in the backup directory. There is no system level backup or any application backup, only the files in the directories. These are also free services but in order to backup large sets, storage will need to be purchased.
Online backup
Lastly, we have services like Backblaze. For a small monthly fee, everything on the Mac and any drives that are connected to it will be backed up. There is no limit to the amount storage that is backed up and can be restored at the file level.
These are the three best backup solutions for the Mac. Ultimately we would recommend the Time Machine option as for the cost of a cheap drive that you can get web shopping, there is a local, recent backup.
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